why do i feel responsible for my family's happiness

I had to liquidate all of their assets, put them in my name, and take over their financial care as well as everything else. Nobody can do it for you. While humans make themselves suffer in many ways, here are 10 common sources of self-caused suffering, which I've dubbed "Misery-Makers," along with 10 suggestions for stopping: Misery-Maker 1: Inventing and dwelling upon painful inner dramas that have little or no basis in fact. Your self-talk is not the truthit's "just thoughts.". Send them a lot of love, set positive intentions for them and speak positively about them when youre not with them. She needs to go to the roots of her unhappiness and change her thinking. How much effort and energy will I have to invest in cheering them up or asking for forgiveness? Over time, such mental effort can lead you to start avoiding your partner, since you already have enough on your plate. People to sit quietly and hold space for us. They themselves have to work at it. spirituality, My Interview on Oprahs SuperSoul Sunday, Blogs Important note: If you are in an abusive relationship, visit The National Domestic Violence Hotline online or call 18007997233 or TTY 18007873224. Taking responsibility for others happiness causes anxiety. Not something anyone can go to Amazon and just buy. The relationship becomes toxic and we become sick from breathing in the fumes everyday. It means living in alignment with the way the world is rather than according to a false belief likely planted in your mind as a child. What is the problem with holding a core belief of your pain = my responsibility? Why do I feel responsible for everyone's feelings? Subscribe to Wild Arisings, twice monthly letters from my heart to help you search more deeply into your own life, make positive changes, and become all that you truly are. Draw a large circle on a piece of paper to represent something you feel is your responsibility and that you feel guilty about. You were NEVER responsible for your mom's happiness (or lack thereof). Make her take responsibility for her own health. Misery-Maker 4: Blaming yourself for things you cant control. Youll naturally feel greater altruism, kindness, and compassion too. on 2023, March 4 from https://www.healthyplace.com/blogs/anxiety-schmanxiety/2016/05/big-cause-of-anxiety-responsibility-for-others-happiness. Looking for suggestions. These are opportunities to pivot, to hit our knees and fully surrender. Moving myself is not an option and she's threatened suicide if I try to move her to a senior apartment or anywhere at all. Photo by Luke Pennystan on Unsplash. She led a study about . You are responsible FOR your words, choices, dreams, feelings and TO him. Everyone has their own guidance system, whatever it is they believe in whether thats intuition, angels, spirit guides, the Universe or God. How many people participated in bringing it to you? If you would like to soften (or change) this core belief, share this article with your loved one, so you have a common language and understanding, and set a time to have a mindful, calm talk. Your 2.5-year-old wants a particular sippy . You are responsible for no onew happiness except your own. Listen for real-time coaching, straight talk and big love! Assael Romanelli, Ph.D., is a clinical social worker and a licensed couple and family therapist based in Israel. Your local library might have this book, as she's so well-known. This question has been closed for answers. Sure, you can provide support and reassurance, but you can't take away the aging process. Understanding the complex, interdependent quality of our relationships with ourselves, others, and the world, can help you let go of feeling youre responsible for everyone and everything. | You'll probably find this scenario quite common. How to Stop Taking Responsibility for Others' Happiness, HealthyPlace. Its taken me years to understand why I feel such a guilt and responsibility towards my parents. Agree that there should be a whole body of literature on this, I was surprised when I struggled to find any! We need more space than other people. I help deep thinking, heart-centered people find greater ease emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Would I benefit from changing? Then make a plan and tinker with it until you can get it to work. Parents establish those feelings of safety by practicing deep listening and unconditional love. Read On! She hates everybody and has no friends, even though she acts so lovey dovey to everyone's face. From a selfish perspective, it's awfully difficult to remain happy when those around us are not. Such avoidance is detrimental because it lowers the authenticity, intimacy, and vulnerability of the relationship. Don't forget to care about yourself. Do you really believe youre in charge and that your worry can change anything? Wouldnt it be wonderful to live from love, compassion, and ease instead of beating yourself up every day? Threatening suicide is "Emotional Blackmail." If they start getting reactive, defensive, or aggressive, take a breath and/or break. How long can you go on feeling like you're responsible for their happiness (when you give up your own)? It's so upsetting that they try to resolve the negative feelings and problems of people close to them. What quiet "do it himself" activities are suitable and interesting for an older man with vascular dementia? As a result I've always been a little extra "sensitive" to people's moods, and behaviors. Maybe you'll find that you enjoy being in this relationship when you can be true to yourself, or maybe you'll discover that you want to live on your own again. Thats not to say theyre not responsible for their actions or shouldnt be held accountable. My wife might have been in that. Certainly, in any healthy relationship. Can Humans Detect Text by AI Chatbot GPT? We have lived in our town since 1975. I should be able to handle this. Remember to breathe and to stay open and loving toward your partner. I am so stressed from caring for my mom. If you are cold, put on a sweater. How to Attract Love and Stop Comparing Your Relationship Status, Accepting People Where They Are So You Can Be Free, The Fun and Spiritual Way to Release Fear Fast, Be Happier by Taking On the 1 Sneaky Thing That Drains Your Happiness, Are You Over-Spiritualizing? It's a great pleasure and happiness to feel their support, even if they are not near me. A great time to do this is when youre feeling anxious and worried about someones mental state. See what you gain and what you lose from trusting in such a core belief. 4-6 If you have said 'yes' to nearly half you are probably in the process of separating but need to go further. I do what I can, in addition to taking her to doctors, paying all of her bills, orchestrating all of her care, etc etc etc, but in her mind, I don't spend enough time entertaining her, that's the issue. Being a responsible person helps us to: Be more honest: When we tend to tell the truth and keep our promises, the people around us will . I'm Sandra Pawula - writer, mindfulness teacher and advocate of ease. I made a free mini course that guides you through three core practices of my bookJudgment Detox. APA ReferencePeterson, T. but dont believe it. I thought it was going to be a historical documentary and was amazed to find it was the story of my family. Live each day, and each day do something little for yourself. Then we suffer if we cant. PostedAugust 22, 2019 (he's in a pretty dark place right now, I'm employed, he's not). by: E.B. Remind yourself and them that you are doing this in order to deepen the relationship. by Anonymous (not verified). My parents are in a nursing facility. You are not a sole agent working exclusively under your own power. How to stop the misery: Instead of putting yourself down for your mistakes and failures, make the conscious decision to grow from them. Misery-Maker 2: Judging yourself in a harsh way. P.S. Let's look at an example from both the perspective of a mother who feels her child's happiness is her responsibility and a mother who provides good support for her child's big feelings without the belief that she is responsible for his happiness. And, in the words of the Rolling Stones, you cant always get what you want. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness. Dont forget to sign up for Wild Arisings, my twice monthly letters from the heartfilled with insights, inspiration, and ideas to help you connect with and live from your truest self. You may be causing some of your suffering. Many of life's difficulties are out of your control. I am an only child. How to tell between BPD behaviors and dementia behaviors? One of the reasons I can't do my hw is I know it'll make me happy but that makes me feel uncomfortable because I've spent my whole life worrying about her happiness and her needs while sacrificing mine. Again, huge thanks for taking the time to reply to this question and for your caring response. Dad is now in memory care and mom leans on me too much for emotional support. It's time that we fix a flaw in our mental health model: its denial of personal responsibility. But just remember that you cant coax, guilt or force anyone to take action. I find her work in general very helpful for living peacefully with yourself. Its impossible for you to be responsible for everything because of interdependence. If you ever try to fix other peoples problems or make yourself responsible for their happiness, I hope the tips I offer in this post will help you to release that need. The above soooo describes me. You're ahead of the game, too, in wanting to learn strategies on your own at the same time. Examples: Why do you always say the wrong thing? Why cant you lose weight? Whats wrong with you?, No, its not your worst enemy saying that; its your own critical inner voice. Over time, a sense of freedom will arise in the relationship, and you will feel freer to share what you feel. I've always been a people-pleaser, the mediator, the one in the room who tries to see it from the fringe perspective. The main consequence of such a core belief is that it keeps you reactive in your intimate relationships. Tell her it is for her blood pressure, because it will help that too. We, my children and I, never, EVER do enough for her. Feeling and dealing with your pain directly builds character, integrity, self-respect, and confidence. And she needs you! I can help you compare costs & services for FREE! I can help you compare costs & services for FREE! In our sessions, we discovered that both of them shared the core belief that your pain = my fault. You feel it's your fault when other people feel bad. Any suggestions? It sounds like you've been through a lot starting when you were very young and carrying that into adulthood. Happiness comes from within, people in miserable circumstances can be happy. My parents moved me here as a child, we left all family behind on the west coast (we are on the east coast), which I didn't want to do. you need to start living your OWN life too! Pay attention to what youre thinking. When you don't let yourself become anxious and stressed trying to make sure that everyone is happy but are still kind, you are caring about yourself and about others. Hi Todd. It absolutely is possible to break this cycle later in life. Overwhelm.it was an accidentlet it go. You feel ashamed or fearful when you make a mistake. Thats not to say we shouldnt feel good when things go well. Mind if I turn up the heat? I need some alone time right now. Acting more assertive is thrilling, no matter how small the issue. Letting go of over-responsibility will bring relief, acceptance and peace into your life. But codependents make the leap of feeling responsible for others' pain and happiness. 4 Ways to Handle It, https://www.healthyplace.com/other-info/mental-illness-overview/how-to-find-mental-health, https://www.healthyplace.com/other-info/resources/mental-health-hotline-numbers-and-refer, Mind-Reading and Projecting in Social Anxiety, 12 Lies Anxiety Tells You That Keep You Anxious and Fearful, How to Stop Worrying About Mistakes and Reduce Anxiety, HONcode standard for Hi! However the converse is important. Oh my, your situation sounds a lot like mine. We have a lifetime of habits built in, but that's all they are -- habits. But you can learn to stop any misery you might be inflicting on yourself. If she does not want to socialize, spend time and effort with others, well of course she will be lonely. As Lori Gordon writes, you might be a factor in their life that influences their experience, but you cannot take responsibility for their. This self-talk keeps you from getting the emotional support that you need. Children therefore believe that they have a larger impact on their parents' emotions and well-being then they actually do. My parents have lived in this small town for over 40 years and she has no friends (doesn't want any), no hobbies, no church or other group affiliation, no family, just me. You couldnt survive a day if it werent for the kindness of others. How can I be feeling this way?. Do you often try to help your friends, family members, or even coworkers or acquaintances fix their problems? There should be. You are defining a co-dependent relationship here 100%. That is unavoidable and natural. The books listed below helped me so much with what you are talking about. He pointed out that I shut off the TV when he comes in, (he hates TV, I love it) I don't change the music I'm listening to when he comes in and I won't even use the shelves he's cleared off as storage for me, instead I pay a storage facility. How to Stop the Misery: Notice your own belief system about change. 3. Slowly the relationship becomes a dangerous place where you don't want to share your pain in order not to hurt your partner (because your pain = their problem). What I wonder is if you know of any literature I could read to support me in making the small incremental changes you mention above? You feel youre responsible for your parents marital conflicts. These bad habits may seem like they relieve stressand they may indeed relieve stress in the short runbut they are false friends. I used to think that at some point my parents would wake up and realize what they had been doing to me. Happy children are ones who feel safe to express themselves in healthy ways, whatever they might be thinking or feeling. Mostly because the peace is not really there in the first place. I am only 52, have a husband and a more-than-full-time job. Some unhappiness and misery is inevitable. Get an easy-to-understand breakdown of services and fees. Self-talk like this makes you think you have to be perfect instead of the fallible human being that you arethat we all are. Misery-Maker 5: Blaming other people and situations for things you can control or passively accepting what you could change. As an adult, I feel responsible for my wife's happiness. You may present yourself in one way when you actually feel a different way underneath. How to Stop the Misery: Decide to change and make a plan. health Use compassion to tame your inner critic and remind yourself that its okay to have these emotions. I am the original poster and I would like to thank everyone for responding. Does this belief govern your life and well-being as well? Start doing one think today for youself. Pick one thing to start with and build from there. Meg Selig is the author of Changepower! Family, friends, people from the village, everyone is here. Happiness is inside you, or it does not exist at all. Your family members are lucky to have you. Dad was a wonderful man, and I was happy to help. We need more complexity and more depth. The other person will receive your shift in energy and feel released by you. Eventually, they turn on you and make your life miserable, even cut it short. Misery-Maker 10: Thinking that you have to do it all yourself. The painful memory crossed Grandmother's face. She has also written fivecritically acclaimed, award-winning novels about life with mental health challenges. Be as kind to yourself as you are to others! How do you deal with a narcissistic mother? They do not need to apologize, fix, or encourage you. Notice what makes you feel good about yourself. They will die if you leavelife isn't worth living. It is not our job to make our kids happy. With time, such a process will slowly rewire your brain and help you internalize that you cannot prevent your partner from feeling pain. I feel this is unhealthy. My mental health novels, including one about severe anxiety, are here. Are your worries completely justified? The stories you tell yourself can take on a life of their own, becoming an unending source of anger, self-pity, anxiety, or just plain misery. Once you cease to create your own suffering, you are more likely to live a good life, one in harmony with your deepest values and. When talking, try sharing your pain, criticism, frustration, or even anger at your partner slowly, in small chunks, pausing to let it be absorbed and digested by your partner. 37 Secrets to Habit Change Success. 3 steps to follow when you want to fix other people's problems When you feel the urge to be the fixer, follow the three steps I outline below. When you feel the urge to be the fixer, follow the three steps I outline below. How to Stop the Misery: Notice when you blame yourself. Or look at a situation that caused you to worry or feel anxious for another person. Site last updated March 4, 2023, Stressed, Anxious When Things Are Good? Its shocking how cruel we can be to ourselves. I am trying to 'fix' my partner in an uncomfortable way, and when he is unhappy or down, I take it all personally, as if it is a reflection on me. This can be really hard at times, especially if youre a nurturing person or just deeply love the person whos struggling. He immediately said 8. Behavior like your husband's involves caring about himself but not others. Most of us have been taught that we are responsible for our loved ones feelingsthat we need to make sure they're not feeling sad or lonely. Modern culture encourages us to think that we are free, independent agents. Pause for a moment and look back at the last week. Thank you all! It's never the responsibility of someone else. But almost all of us take responsibility for more than our part, though it may appear on a subtle or subconscious level: Thats a sign that we think we alone are responsible. Yes, I still feel responsible for my ex's happiness. After illuminating their core belief, he said that hes now ready to really hear his partners pain. You're sensitive and compassionate. This responsibility for others happiness ultimately causes anxiety. Notice what seems to be good for your personal growth. Get out and spend time with friends and create your own positive environment which will also work to lessen the effects you feel from your mom's criticisms. Trust in the power of your intentions and your prayer, and know that they are enough. Her work can be found on Role Reboot, Alternet, and on her blog: Two Parts Smart-Ass; One Part Wisdom. Begin to question it. The weight will be lifted and youll be able to show up for your loved one AND yourself. How did it feel? I want to encourage you to really own that you are not here to deprive anyone of their bottom. She micromanaged their lives and even the lives of daughters-in-law, prescribing how many minutes they could go out driving. Things can always be worse.